Innovative 6-hectare greenhouse for Belt Tomatoes in construction

In IJsselmuiden, we are involved in an impressive and innovative 6-hectare new construction project. The greenhouse is designed with the latest insights for tomato cultivation, featuring full-LED lighting, dehumidification, and a double screen system.

Thanks to all partners for the collaboration on this remarkable project

In this project, ‘collaboration’ is key. We are responsible for overseeing the grow light-related processes. Hortivision is handling the general project management, Brinkman is taking care of the installation, and DLI is supplying the fixtures.

We are implementing a full-LED system for this project with a light intensity of over 300 micromol, ensuring optimal tomato growth. The fixtures still need to be installed, but the project is on schedule. We’ll share more news about the installation soon!

Thanks to Belt Tomatoes, Hortivision, Royal Brinkman, and Dutch Lighting Innovations for the collaboration on this remarkable project.